Write for Us

Share Your Expertise with DigitalTechBaba.com!

DigitalTechBaba.com invites you to contribute guest posts to our premium technology and business blog. We cover a wide range of topics, including tech, business, lifestyle, crypto, finance, marketing, SEO and entertainment news. If you have valuable insights on any of these subjects, we want to hear from you!

Why Contribute?

Sharing your knowledge through guest posts is a fantastic way to reach a broader audience and help others start and grow their businesses. Plus, we offer the best and most affordable services to our contributors.

What Can You Write About?

We welcome articles in the following categories:

  • Business, Finance, Cryptocurrency
  • Digital Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing
  • Lifestyle, Health, Parenting, Fitness, Home Improvement
  • Travel, Food, News
  • Entertainment

Important Note: We do not accept links to sites related to drugs, gambling, payday loans, or adult content. Your articles will look natural with a permanent do-follow link and won’t be labeled as sponsored or guest posts.

Guest Posting Guidelines

  • Originality: All articles must be 100% human-written and unique. We do not accept previously published articles or AI Written content, as we check with Copyscape and Google before publishing.
  • Quality Links: All links should lead to relevant and high-quality websites.
  • Style: We love lists, tutorials, and advice for small businesses. Make sure your articles are easy to read and divided into sections with heading, subheadings, bullets points and small paragraph.
  • Linking: We post 1 link per 800 words, with a maximum of 2-3 links in total, including the author link. We appreciate you linking back to your post in your future articles.
  • Word Count: Your content should be at least 1000 to 1,500 words.
  • Quality: Ensure your content is well-formatted, informative, and non-promotional.
  • Images: Include at least one copyright-free image with your article, sized at 800 px by 500 px.
  • Submission: Send your articles via email as a Microsoft Word document.
  • Editing Rights: We reserve the right to edit your content, remove links, and delete the author account or content if necessary.
  • Best Practices: Avoid keyword stuffing and self-promotion in your articles.

By following these guidelines, you help maintain the quality and integrity of our platform. Thank you for contributing!

Benefits of Guest Posting

Guest posting on our site offers many advantages:

  1. Establish Authority: Boost your credibility in your field.
  2. More Link Juice: Gain valuable backlinks to your site.
  3. Social Networking Benefits: Expand your online network.
  4. High Authority Backlinks: Increase your visibility on the Internet and improve your search engine ranking (SEO).

Take advantage of guest posting and elevate your online presence with DigitalTechBaba.com!

Get in Touch with Us!

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, feedback, or suggestions,

Email Id – guestpost.frank@gmail.com


Feel free to Contact us. Our team is here to assist you.